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As Featured In…
This Entrepreneur Built A Million-Dollar Business On Small Investments In Local Real Estate
What can I say?
Bigger Pockets Podcast 086 – House Hacking Your Way to 97 Units (While Holding a Full-Time Job!) with Cory Binsfield
This is the show that put me on the media map. Bigger Pockets is the number one site for real estate investors looking to get started and build a network. Membership to the site is free, and I continue to learn from both the podcast guests along with all the fantastic authors who post on their website. I highly recommend this site for all real estate investors.
Ep #14 – Cory Binsfield: Starting with a distressed owner-financed triplex in 1998, Cory has built a 100+ unit portfolio of small multi-family properties valued at over 7 million in his spare time.
Want to get inspired? Rod is your guy. From apartment buildings to mobile home parks, Rod will help you learn the ins and outs of real estate investing along with a nice dose of Tony Robbin’s motivation.
Best Ever Real Estate Investing Advice JF926: Don’t Listen to Dave Ramsey and BUY 10 Duplexes in 10 Years!
Joe has the top podcast in the real estate space. In my opinion, he is one of the best interviewers out there. Joe is the real deal. He and his partner control over $300 million in multi-family assets and are on track to hit a billion. This guy is a podcasting machine. I have no clue how he does it, but he publishes his podcast every single day of the week.
Setting A Goal To Buy 10 Duplexes In 10 Years With Cory Binsfield (Ep 104)
This is one of my favorite podcasts. Dan features everyday landlords who are succeeding in the rental real estate space. His guests provide insights and what works and what challenges they faced on the ten-to-million journey.
The Million-Dollar-One-Person Business